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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Sad news yesterday.

A friend who helped me so much through a dark time passed away. His lovely wife contacted me to let me know.
In 2008 My disease had progressed to a really bad state. It was around my heart, my oncologist was very dire with his tone and told me to come and see him in 6 months. I was so upset, I remembered the October before, a lovely couple I had met at my very first Mesothelioma UK conference had invited me to their home to stay for a few days. Heather and Alan are such a wonderful couple, him very driven, courageous, dignified and her, quiet support who cares and loves him very much.
I took them up on their offer and in 2008 I travelled to their beautiful home and stayed for a few days.
Alan gave me back my fight, being with him made me realise that I shouldn't give up, I am with this wonderful person who is so positive and was drowned in his strength and forward thinking.
It was a wonderful time, a time I will never forget.
Thank you so much Alan for keeping me strong and being the inspiration I needed.
Wrap your angel arms around your lovely lady, she needs you more now than she ever did.
READ MORE - Sad news yesterday.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Article in local paper.

The local newspaper have printed an article in support of Action Mesothelioma Day on Friday.
It is well written and I am so pleased with it.
The pictures taken were amazing, I think they came out really well.

Copy and paste the link below to read the article :

I did very little yesterday, had a restful day, Kieran's hay fever is still ongoing, he has nasal spray, eye drops and tablets. I am going to get some local honey on Friday at Saltram and try that.
Local honey is used as the local pollen is collected by the bees.
I am going out this evening with my lovely friend, Carolyn. We haven't seen each other for a few days so will be great to catch up.
Thursday Kieran doesn't have school due to the teachers strike. He is off on a short break with school next week. I will miss him but know he will love spending time with his friends.

READ MORE - Article in local paper.

Monday, 27 June 2011

busy day.

Kieran had sore eyes and was sneezing so much this morning. He gets hayfever like his sister, Siobhan. I made an appointment at the Dr's for him, and tried to fit in everything I needed to do. After the Dr's we went to Ivybridge in Devon to pick up some my little ponies for Siobhan. Someone on facebook was selling a job lot for a very good price, Siobhan said she would have liked them but didn't know how much they were. Actually they were reasonably priced, as Siobhan has been working so hard for me I thought she deserved to have them, It would make her happy.
The weather changed, Kieran and I heard thunder. No matter what we headed out to get the ponies, the lady was lovely and I explained that Siobhan was an avid collector and would she mind if she put the houses up for sale towards the Germany fund, she was more than happy with that and was so pleased that the ponies would be going to a good home.

Then it was off back home to get Kieran's bits, he was too late for school due to his appointment being 11:30 so asked if he could see his dad again. He picked up what he needed and I dropped him there. I got home in time to meet Diana, a reporter with the local paper who is doing an article to promote Action Mesothelioma Day on Friday. After Diana had gone, it was a quick change and photo time to run alongside the story. There are some great shots, All taken outside, between the showers!
Few...... I feel asleep on the sofa for about 30 minutes to then be woken up by a phone call from Full house magazine who are doing an update on my story. It will be published in August, the 11th to be exact.

Siobhan came in from town with her boy friend, David and was so pleased to see the ponies. Nother more rewarding than seeing your children happy....well worth the rush this morning. : )
READ MORE - busy day.

What is Symptoms of Mesothelioma

by Ali Munandar

What is Symptoms of Mesothelioma. About 15% of Mesothelioma cases are found in the early stages, before the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or elsewhere. The 5 year survival rate for people with Mesothelioma is 50% if there is no evidence of cancer in lymph nodes at the time of surgery. Unfortunately, in most cases, the spread of cancer has already occurred even if not detected by current medical tests.

When all Mesothelioma stages are considered together, the 5 year survival rate is only about 14%. Many early Mesothelioma are diagnosed incidentally - they are found as a result of tests that are done for an unrelated medical condition. Although Mesothelioma does not cause any symptoms until it has spread too far to be cured, symptoms do occur in some patients with early Mesothelioma .

Prompt attention to symptoms, leading to early diagnosis and treatment can result in a cure for some patients. For others, prompt attention to symptoms can improve the likelihood that treatment can extend their life and relieve many of their symptoms.

Common signs and symptoms of Mesothelioma include:
A cough that does not go away
Chest pain, often aggravated by deep breathing
Weight loss and loss of appetite
Bloody or rust-colored sputum (spit or phlegm)
Shortness of breath
Fever without a known reason
Recurring infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia
New onset of wheezing
When Mesothelioma spreads to distant organs, it may cause:
Bone pain
Neurologic changes (such as weakness or numbness of a limb, dizziness)
Jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and eyes)
Masses near the surface of the body, due to cancer spreading to the skin or to lymph nodes (collection of immune system cells) in the neck or above the collarbone.
A. Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

Some of the symptoms of pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma cancer of the lung lining) include:
pain in the lower back or the side of the chest
shortness of breath
a persistent cough
difficulty swallowing food
fever and sweating
weight loss.
These symptoms are also common to many minor ailments and, therefore, may not cause a doctor to suspect mesothelioma.

Pleural Effusion-fluid in the Lungs
One of the most common and specific symptoms of pleural mesothelioma is the accumulation of fluid between the lungs and chest cavity. This generally causes shortness of breath, and requires a doctor to drain the fluid, called fine-needle aspiration, to make breathing easier and relieve chest pain. This symptom is more unique to mesothelioma, making it more likely that you may have the disease.

B. Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal mesothelioma - mesothelioma of the lining of the stomach) include:

stomach pain
nausea and vomiting
weight loss.

Like pleural mesothelioma, these symptoms are also common to many minor ailments and, therefore, may not cause a doctor to suspect mesothelioma.

visit my blog

About the Author

ocim is just man behind
READ MORE - What is Symptoms of Mesothelioma


Kieran has a Dr's appointment this morning, his hay fever is quite bad today. Such a shame him and Siobhan don't get to enjoy the wonderful sunshine as much as we do.
His eyes are red and he is sneezing. I do feel for him.
The local paper were due to come round at 12 but not sure I will be back in time so am trying to change it.
It's publicity for Action Mesothelioma Day which is on Friday at 10am, Saltram house.
Should be a lovely day, I hope lots of people turn up as the support group is something I have felt has been needed for a long time.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Beautiful morning.

Ali and I trying a few hats on for size.

I went into town and met my friends for coffee yesterday, it was lovely to see them all. When I got home I was shattered, I think the chemo is having a bask at me, not as much as the normal chemo though. I have been taking my mistletoe so that may be why the symptoms are so mild.
I didn't have anything to eat last night as I was sick, I will definitley catch up today though.

I am going in town to meet my lovely friend, Ali this morning, we have a christening next weekend which we are both looking forward too. Baby Kal is the son of our friend Rachel. We all work together so it will be lovely to see them all and such an honour to be asked to go.

I have a dress in my cupboard I am going to wear. Ali has her dress so I think it will be mainly coffee and a natter : )

Information for all who have supported us so far, The money raised is for treatment only, the flights and hotel I will cover myself. It is hard enough having people donate to the treatment and I don' think everything should come out of it. I am hoping the PCT will refund it so someone else can benefit from being helped from our fund. Theo may do something good for a change!!
READ MORE - Beautiful morning.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Peter Falk, Columbo

So sad, Peter Falk died yesterday at the age of 83.
Columbo is one of my favourite TV detectives.
I have watched every one over and over again, I never get tired of them.
R.I.P Peter Falk x x x
You will be missed by so many.
READ MORE - Peter Falk, Columbo

Action Mesothelioma Day

Just a reminder about Action Mesothelioma Day (AMD) next week.
The Plymouth event will be held on Friday 1st July 2011 at Saltram House Plymouth,
Between 10am and 12pm. There will be cream teas and information available on the day.

All are welcome to join the day, we will be remembering those who have been lost to Mesothelioma and those still fighting.

READ MORE - Action Mesothelioma Day

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Better today.

I had a really good sleep last night and was woke up by 2 lovely little faces looking up at me. Stork and Amber where both snuggled up on my bed, waiting for their breakfast. I am feeling tired and am trying to rest as much as possible. The sickness has kicked in which hopefully is good news as the last treatment there wasn't much sign of any side affect. Cher is back home now and is resting, she doesn't have to go back unless she needs to.
Kieran came home briefly tonight, it was great to see him. He is staying with his dad for a few days to give me a little break, he will be back home tomorrow.
Next Friday is action mesothelioma day at Saltram house. It is from 10am till 12pm, Hopefully the sun will shine and we will have a wonderful day.
READ MORE - Better today.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Back home.

Apple Strudel.... Yummy!!
Neil Tinkling the ivories : )
A beautiful display of Gladioli's, a great memory of this flower and my dad x x
Posing at the Theodor Stern Kia street sign, this is Theo's new home....GET OUT NOW!!!!
My lovely friend, Jeanette and I.

Jeanette and I returned home yesterday, we were met by her partner, Mark who drove us back home. She has been brilliant, so supportive. She is coming with me the next time too which is in August.
It was an eventful time. Our plane was delayed by 2 hours so we took our time, got something to eat and had a general look around. We got to Germany and settled into our hotel. We were looking forward to meeting Neil and Cher the next day. Cher had travelled all the way from Australia to have the treatment.
We had our traditional German beer toast to the treatment and to wishing Theo gets his backside into gear and moves out.
We were up at around 7:30pm on Friday to get ready for the hospital. We went down for breakfast, well, Jeanette had breakfast, I watched : )
We then made our way to the hospital in time to see Cher and Neil get out of a taxi. It was wonderful to see them. We went to the office to pay for the treatment and then sat and waited for our names to be called. As both our names have 'W' in them, it was amusing to hear Velan and Breever being called. Cher went first, I followed not long after.
I had the MRI scan done first and then it was to the theatre for the procedure. I was so worried about the initial needle going in as last time it was 5 tries. Jeanette knew how I was feeling and insisted on coming in to be with me. It was good to have her there, she was wonderful. One attempt was tried, no needle in so the Dr went off to get someone who could do it, the othere Dr did it first time. I am not sure if the people who do the needles are practicing but a choice should be given.
With the needle in, in came the main man, the Prof. He talked continuously about my family, asking if I have grand children yet and talking about how many emails I get while doing the procedure. I watched the treatment being done on the screen and was glad to see he was tackling the bit I wanted tackled, the meso beside the heart.
When Prof had finished, the team started to tidy up and ready me to leave the theatre. I had felt very slight tingly lips and tongue but thought nothing of it, as I lay there, I started to get very tight and breathless. The Dr who did the needle administered some Cortisone and anti histamine to the drip and it very slowly calmed down.
I was taken out to the area to rest. I was beside Cher who was recovering from her treatment.
We slept for about 3 hours and then up and off to have another MRI scan to make sure everything is in place and then go to the waiting room to see the Prof for a consultation.
Prof was his usual busy self, man of few words. He said I had good lung capacity which was good to hear.
Cher and Neil went in to see Prof, we both got our CD's of the images taken.
We went back to our hotels for a rest. After a good sleep, Jeanette and I got ready to meet Cher and Neil at their hotel. When we arrived we were amazed at how wonderful their hotel was, we were greeted by a doorman who met us from the taxi. The hotel was welcoming, we could hear a piano playing as we made our way to the bar. The pianist was playing Louie Armstrong, one of my dad's favourites. That warmed me as I like to think he is around me when I need him, I need not have wondered as there was another sign of my dad, Gladioli. A beautiful display. My dad gave me a Glad on my birthday when I was about 10 or 11 and I have never forgotten it. It was so lovely. Cher and Neil bought us a drink and we chatted for such a long time.
We then went to eat, the food was wonderful, for dessert we have real German apple Strudel, gorgeous. Cher and I chatted about our lives and how we both enjoy the same things. We both love creating costumes and have made some wonderful outfits for our children. Cher did far more with her passion than I did. She is a fabulous artist and a very clever lady.
We also had a spooky moment with what we were wearing. We were both wearing leopard print grey, black and white outfits that merged in very well. We eventually left each other around 11:15pm, Jeanette and I were thoroughly spoilt. We all could have talked all night.
Well, it is back home the next day, I am hoping that when I go back in August that Theo has started to move out.

READ MORE - Back home.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Busy day.

This morning I waited for the Virgin Media man to sort out our broad band, it has been terrible for weeks now. We have had a new modem, tried direct from the modem, no router, reset everything.... nothing works. Today Mr VM guy went to the junction bow in the street and found that the connections were lose. I am hoping that this will solve the problem. We have been getting less than 1 meg some days and 14 meg another time. It has been fluctuating so much. We are supposed to be getting 20 meg. Fingers crossed its done.

I had a phone call from a warrior who was in high spirits even though he is so poorly, while talking to him I got a text through from my friend, Chrissy. I mis-read it and thought she said she was going for a coffee with the girls and I headed off to town only to find out that it was at 2pm and it was only 12:30pm ...... DOH!!!
I decided to go and see Kieran and give him his fathers day card and is hayfever medicine. I then went home, had lunch, went back into town, met Chrissy, Jane, Avis and Vicky for coffee. This coffee lasted till 6:10pm : ), a little longer than expected.
I made my way home after saying good bye and have now sorted out my suit case for tomorrow.

I am going to Birmingham tomorrow morning with my friend, Jeanette. Monday is the procedure and a meeting with Cher, a warrior from Australia and Neil her husband. It will be lovely to see her again. Tuesday Jeanette and I will be coming home.

Next week I am going to try and rest.

READ MORE - Busy day.

Friday, 17 June 2011

out with the older babies : )

Well, another week over and Germany looming.
Kieran has gone to stay with his dad and Siobhan, Rich and I (and Siobhan's boyfriend) are going out to have a bite to eat. Shame Kieran can't come but he has been a nightmare to live with these past couple of days, I didn't want him rewarded with a meal out. He seems happy with that and will come out next time we do it.
READ MORE - out with the older babies : )

Understanding Mesothelioma Treatment

by Kirsten Hawkins

Mesothelioma treatment relates relieving or curing the deadly disease called mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is serious disease that affects the lining of lungs, abdominal organs or heart. Mesothelioma can be of two types, either benign or malignant. Mesothelioma treatment, for an individual suffering from benign mesothelioma, is surgery. However, in case of malignant mesothelioma scientists could not find any established mesothelioma treatment to cure the patient fully.

Types of Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma treatment options available today are radiation, chemotherapy, radical surgery and/or combination of all these treatments. During surgery, either a part of tumor or the whole tumor is removed. In some cases, a portion of the normal tissue surrounding the area is also removed along with the tumor.

Mesothelioma treatment, in which the doctors try to cure the patient with drugs, is known as chemotherapy. As the mesothelioma cancer is a rare disease, very little information is available regarding the effects of different drugs on different patients. Adriamycm, (doxorubicin), Cytoxan, (cyclophosphamide), 5-fluorouracil and 5-azacytidine are some of the drugs that have shown good results and a response rate of 0 to 35 % when tried on mesothelioma patients. Some other effective drugs for mesothelioma treatment are cisplatin, high dose methotrexate, interferon, anthracycline analogues and vinblastine. The National Cancer Institute is sponsoring further studies the effectiveness of these and other drugs by funding many clinical centers.

Radiation is another option of mesothelioma treatment that is more helpful in reducing the pain rather than curing the disease itself. Because of the severity of the disease, standard dose of 6,000 rads of radiation has very little effect on mesothelioma patients. In limited cases, some benefit is observed when patient is treated with aggressive high dose radiation. Use of radioactive compounds on diseased tissue has also shown some positive results with the individuals diagnosed early on. Patients of pleural mesothelioma survived for over 24 months when radioactive colloidal gold (Au 198) was placed between the two pleural membranes. Scientists are hopeful that radioactive chromic phosphate, p32 can be used as an effective mesothelioma treatment. This might increase the survival period of patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma.

Like the treatment of other cancers, mesothelioma treatment also has its side effects. Nausea and vomiting are some minor problems associated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy that could be controlled with medicines. However, suppression of bone marrow is a serious short-term side effect that may cause WBC, RBC and platelets counts to go down. Such patients may become susceptible to bleeding and infection and may require antibiotic therapy or any other supportive care.

Mesothelioma treatment can be a very expensive and lengthy procedure. However, the patients suffering from mesothelioma cancers can seek compensation for mesothelioma treatments. They can file lawsuits against the individuals or organizations responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

About the Author

Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.
READ MORE - Understanding Mesothelioma Treatment

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Another busy day.

Hot chocolate in Thorntons....bliss x x

I went out to see Rita's new great grandson today, he is so tiny. He is a prem baby and at the moment is 37 weeks. Rita's grand daughter is a wonderful mum and Andy her boyfriend, matches her perfectly, They are a lovely couple. Afterwards I picked up my friend, Carolyn and we whizzed off into town for lunch and a general chill out. The weather couldn't make it's mind up. We didn't care, drinking chocolate in Thorntons is a great tonic, rain or shine!
I dropped Carolyn home and headed of to my home to be met by an unhappy Kieran again. I am so tired today, I am feeling like I want to get in my car and keep driving.
He walked out of the house today and decided he didn't want to live with me anymore as I am too over protective. Apparently he should be treated better because he has special needs. Mmmmm... does that mean I should let him have all the over 18 games he wants and let abusive children back on his xbox? I think not.
He eventually came home after being out for about an hour, not sure what will happen tomorrow. We were going to go out to eat but I have told him he doesn't deserve it. Hopefully without the xbox again tonight and no laptop or meal out, he will decided to behave.
READ MORE - Another busy day.

Student venture done.

A sneaky quick shot from the room I was in at the Peninsula.

I went out this morning to see my friend, Carolyn, we haven't seen each other for a while so it was great to catch up. I then went home and got my things together for the Peninsula. Siobhan wanted to post some of her badges off, so I took her and her boyfriend to the shops. When we got back we were in time to see the taxi that was going to pick me up, leave.
It was 1:10pm and I wasn't due to be there till 2:00pm. I rang the Peninsula and was told that another taxi was on the way.
after waiting a few minutes, it arrived and off I went. I arrived to be told I was a reserve but now a patient. I was glad of that as I didn't really want to sit and wait for nothing.
There were 5 students today, all 2nd year medical and all very nervous.
There was a different GP today, well, she was a psychiatrist so a little chat meant a free psychiatry session... : )
I was questioned and examined by all the students, making sure they all hear the word "mesothelioma".
It was very interesting again, they were all very good, no one stood out today but I do hope they all pass.
When I got home I was greeted by Kieran wanting a game for his xbox. It is an over 18 and Siobhan has told him it is disturbing and graphic. He knows my feelings on the subject. I have allowed him to play a couple of shoot 'em up games but draw the line at dead bodies and examining them. He was not happy and contined to whinge and nag all evening.
I was already tired and now was stressed.....whoopee doo Kieran!! he had no xbox all evening.
I hope he behaves tonight. I have given him the child line number should he feel the need to use it.
Today I am seeing Carrie, Andy and their new baby, Addison. He is a prem baby and has just come home. Carrie is the grand daughter of Rita who came to Germany with me. Such a lovely family.
I am then off into town with Carolyn and will pick up a few bits I need for Germany. Not long now, I will be going on Sunday. I don't feel I want to go but I know I need to for my children and all those lovely people who have faith in me. Some days it would be great not to think about Theo.

READ MORE - Student venture done.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

More students today.

I am having a slow morning today as I don't have to be at the Peninsula till 2:00pm.
Yesterday was great but I was so tired, ready for bed at 9. Kieran goes to bed at 10 and being autistic, changing things is difficult so it was wait for another hour to go to bed. I settled down on the sofa and relaxed till it was time to go.
The weather has done a complete change today, it is raining, yesterday was wonderful so warm and sunny.
We are now up to £3,600 with Theo's holiday fund. I had words last night and told him enough was enough and he was out of there!!
He had better leave on his own accord or he will be blasted out, I think he has had enough time to think about it.
READ MORE - More students today.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Peninsula Medical school exams.

I went to the Peninsula medical school today to take part in being a patient for medical students taking their 2nd year medical exams. Between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm I saw 6 students. There was a GP with me who was the examiner for the students. He explained what was going to happen. The students would come in one by one and do an examination, It was like pretending I was speaking to my GP. They all asked the same questions and did the examination, they were all very good but one stood out above the rest, the only male student, Liam. I was very impressed by him, so was the GP as I did my peak flow for all of them and he was the only one to explain exactly how to do it. My score had been between 200 and 210, he managed to get me to 225!
The GP could see the shocked look on my face when I saw that : )

After that, I went home, got a few bits and then off out again to see my friend, Avis. She made us lunch and I even managed a try out in her tree house!

At 3:00pm it was home time again then take Rich into the city centre for an interview.... Whoopeee!!!! ....... He looked really smart. He said he will find out tomorrw if he gets the job, it is for 4 weeks and is work experience. I hope he gets taken on afterwards. We shall see.

I am off to the Peninsula again tomorrow afternoon for much the same thing. I was surprised to see that actors are used for some medical conditions like mental health issues as it would be difficult getting a patient suffering with this to talk about their condition. Good luck to all the students, they were very good and the GP was brilliant.
READ MORE - Peninsula Medical school exams.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Kieran's review.

I went to Kieran's school this morning for his annual review, It was good to hear how well he is doing and it was said it may be a good idea to get him into main stream school for a couple of hours a week in September or next year.
I have a busy week this week, Tomorrow morning I am going to the Peninsula to be examined by medical students for their exams. Not sure what will happen as I haven't done it before. I need to take my slippers and dressing gown with me, should be interesting.
Then I am out to lunch at my friend Avis's which will be lovely. I am hoping for good weather so I can go up in her tree house.

READ MORE - Kieran's review.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Night out.

I went out with my friend Chrissy last night. I can't remember the last time I went out. We went to the Barbican and met Jane and Vicky. We had something to eat and then went onto to another bar for a drink. At around 11:00pm it was just Chrissy and I who were left.
We decided that we would go home as it was getting rowdy, we passed a young girl who was throwing up in the street and in one of the pubs was subjected to an old man having a good old delve up his nose..... wow...... Devon nightlife, don't you just love it!!!

Today has been very quiet, Kieran arrived home at 3:00pm, I have ironed Richard's smart clothes for his interview on Tuesday.... yes.. I know.... an interview!
It is only for work experience but at least he will be doing something. He will be interviewed by Primarnie.... I mean, Primark.. : ) I hope he gets it and if he works hard they may take him on.

Kieran has his annual review for his statement tomorrow. He has been doing well at school, I think the rages are getting less at home now, well, I hope so.

Theo's holiday fund is going very well, so many very kind people around. Siobhan had around 100 emails one morning asking to buy her stickers and the badges. She has worked so hard this week getting all the parcels packed and sent off. The total is now up to just over £3,400 which is fantastic.
As I have said before, if love and support was a cure, I would be cured a 1,000 times over.
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped ........ your amazing x x x
READ MORE - Night out.

Friday, 10 June 2011


Today Margaret's family will be celebrating her life and saying their goodbyes.
Margaret was and always will be a great friend and support to me. She fought a courageous battle with breast cancer and was an inspiration to everyone she met. She will be missed so much by many who she touched with her kindness and support. I was lucky enough to have met her a few times and she always had a beautiful smile.
Love and support to her family today as they say their final farewell.

Margaret, you will always have a place in my heart, Sleep well my lovely friend and wrap your angel wings around your family, they will need you more than ever today x x x
READ MORE - Margaret.

Happy Birthday Robert x x

It is my cousin Robert's 50th Birthday today, he died at the age of 41. Such a sad loss to us all and still very much missed. I will go to the cemetery this morning and lay some flowers by his plaque.

I am feeling so much better after the blood transfusion on Monday. I have caught up on a little bit of house work and been out and about, the saddest part being Rob's funeral. Yesterday I saw my friend, Wendy, yesterday. We caught up on what has been happening to us since we last met. I am so lucky having so many very special friends.

I am off to see Kieran in a play at school this afternoon. His class are doing Beauty and the Beast, the Disney version. He has the part of Lumiere, the candle. He has a lovely French accent. I am looking forward to it so much.

Many thanks to all you lovely people who have supported me with donations and words of inspiration. It means so much to me and as I said on my facebook status yesterday, If love and support could cure mesothelioma, I would be cured a 1,000 times over.
READ MORE - Happy Birthday Robert x x

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Rob Daley.

I am going to Rob's funeral today, it is going to be heart breaking. His lovely family will be starting their life without this wonderfully inspirational man. He had a great sense of humour, was so kind to anyone and his bravery shone through to all those he met, he will be missed by many people.
This time last year I went to his 40th birthday party, so many people were there to celebrate with him. Today there are going to be many people all wanting to pay their respects to Rob, who filled a room with his personality.
Love to Debbie and the boys, Rose, Dave and family x

Hold your family in your angel arms today Rob, they need you more today than they have ever needed you. x x x x x x
READ MORE - Rob Daley.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Transfusion done!

Yesterday I made my way to the hospital to have 2 units of blood replaced as my blood count was low.
I got there before 10 and eventually went up to the room at 10:30. The transfusion started at 11:30 so it was going to be a long day as each one takes around 3-4 hours to go through.
My friends, Carolyn and Gina, came in to help me pass the time away. It was great to see them.
Thank you to whoever donated the blood, without people like you, a lot of people would have difficulties. I did sit and wonder who's blood I was getting, were they young or old? Male or female? Who ever they are, I appreciate what they have done.
Wouldn't it be great if the blood had an anti cancer cell and kicked Theo's butt right out, That is me day dreaming again : )
I got home at 6:30 with thanks to my other lovely friend, Tina. I am so lucky to have so many amazing people around me. Not long now for Germany, I will be going with my friend, Jeanette, who came with me on the first 6 treatments. I really want to have a good result again so Theo, if your listening, get ready to shift for backside, your not staying!!!

READ MORE - Transfusion done!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Mesothelioma Stages and Mesothelioma Staging Systems

by avisolutionz

Mesothelioma stages are categorized in the medical community for evaluative benefit for the physician, the medical institution, participation in clinical trials, and advancements in mesothelioma treatment options. Staging systems are used to define mesothelioma stages; however, mesothelioma stages are far more descriptive for pleural mesothelioma than for peritoneal mesothelioma or pericardial mesothelioma. Mesothelioma staging systems have changed over time. As medical knowledge increases, mesothelioma staging systems advance.

By sectioning a progressive disease into stages, doctors can evaluate mesothelioma treatment options that have been proven successful. By defining mesothelioma stages in a universal staging system, international mesothelioma life expectancy statistics can be gathered. When a staging system gains international acceptance, it contributes greatly to the advancement of mesothelioma treatment options. Grouping similar variables for evaluation is beneficial to developing mesothelioma treatment options for different mesothelioma stages.

In 1976 the Butchart staging system identified four mesothelioma stages for diffuse pleural malignant mesothelioma by location. At stage one, the tumor is in one side of the pleural lining. At stage two, the tumor is malignant and has entered both lungs, and has the potential to spread. In stage three of Butchart's mesothelioma stages, the tumor has entered the peritoneum (abdomen region), and at stage four, the cancer has spread through the blood stream.

It was simple, thus gained acceptance. However, it fails to address crucial issues. Medical experts suggest it fails to make survival correlations with mesothelioma stages. The Butchart mesothelioma staging system in its originality is obsolete for mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, however other mesothelioma stages have been developed from it, and many cancer institutions modify it for their evaluative purposes.

In the 1980s Chahinian added detailed tumor stages, lymph node stages and metastases stages to the pleural mesothelioma staging system. This staging system is referred to as TNM and is used within elaborative staging systems. In 1990 the UICC (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer) expounded on Chahinian's mesothelioma stages. The Butchart, Chahinian and UICC mesothelioma staging systems were based on specific institution experience.

In 1999 the Bingham Hospital introduced a pleural mesothelioma surgical staging system in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The IMIG (International Mesothelioma Interest Group) in a 1995 Journal of Chest from the American College of Chest Physicians proposed international acceptance for a detailed universal staging system. This staging system demands precise tumor location, and is based on TNM and the International Lung Cancer Staging System.

Medical institutions will use the mesothelioma stages and staging system practical for their internal evaluative purposes. But the mesothelioma patient should be aware when discussing mesothelioma life expectancy and prognosis that mesothelioma staging systems differ, and staging systems still undergo scrutiny. No staging system includes all variables for treatment and prognosis. Factors such as tumor subtypes can make a significant difference in prognosis.

In its basic form, mesothelioma has two stages - localized and advanced. In most staging systems, localized mesothelioma is considered stage one. Stages two through four are advanced mesothelioma stages. Mesothelioma stages are generally defined by location, the severity of the tumor, or surgical needs. The stages of mesothelioma are dependent on the staging system used.

Mesothelioma stages are important considerations in treatment and prognosis. An accepted universal mesothelioma staging system can expedite medical research to find effective mesothelioma treatment options. Advances in clinical research will continue to contribute to the development of defining mesothelioma stages until precise correlations can be made. Until then, staging systems are a universal answer to evaluating mesothelioma treatment.
READ MORE - Mesothelioma Stages and Mesothelioma Staging Systems

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Thank you Siobhan x x x

I have to say a great big THANK YOU to my beautiful daughter, Siobhan, for all her hard work and dedication to raise funds for Theo's holiday fund. She has been and continues to be amazing.
She has made badges, stickers, bookmarks and more on her art page and it is all selling well, there are parcels leaving our house every day!!
Kieran is back to school tomorrow after a week of half term. I want to get back to some normality and back to work at some point, don't think it will be much before August though.

The funds are now at £2,569 which is wonderful. I have sold some things on Ebay and had so many lovely letters and donations from people and am so overwhelmed by the love and caring coming from them.

Tomorrow is the blood transfusion which I hope will make me feel much better.
Not long till Germany now, It will be great to see the Prof but I wish it was under different circumstances.

Thank you to Breda and Steve for their lovely email and support.
READ MORE - Thank you Siobhan x x x

Thursday, 2 June 2011

GP and oncologist called.

I am so lucky to have such a great team behind me, My oncologist called and said to be at the hospital for tomorrow morning at 9:00am as I am having my blood cross matched ready for Monday morning at 10:00am. I will then be having 2 units of blood which should hopefull clear this breathlessness and make me feel a whole lot better before the gall bladder op and Germany.
READ MORE - GP and oncologist called.

Dr just rang.

I made an appointment to see my GP this evening and my Dr has just called. she is going to speak to my oncologist about getting a blood transfusion.
At last something is being done and that means my breathlessness isn't asthma.
Thank you Dr A for calling back, your a star!!!
READ MORE - Dr just rang.

GP today.

I rang up today to get my blood results and have been told blood count is low but Dr will see me at my next appointment.
Mmmmmm...... Not sure when that will be as I am not planning to go back at the moment so I asked to have an appoinment for today otherwise it is another wait and another weekend. I have one this afternoon at 5:15pm.
Hopefully I can get sometning sorted out before I go to Germany as the chemo will surely pull the blood count down more.

Ebay sales aren't to bad, got £30 so far towards Germany.
Siobhan is doing well with her badge sales. she has done such a lot to raise funds, and not forgetting my lovely friends who have bought badges and donated. I am very humbled by what has manifested from this.
READ MORE - GP today.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Bloods done.

I had another blood test done today to determine the blood count. I also discovered yesterday that having a low blood count can cause breathlessness and if that is the case, being treated for asthma has been the wrong course.
I get my results tomorrow and will know more about what is going on.
I haven't heard anything yet about Mick and Keith, the stones ..... the gall stones op that is, ....sorry , my sense of humour : )

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped with my fund raising for Germany, special thanks to Shirley White for her donation all the way from Australia, so sorry Shirley, I have mislaid your address as I wanted to send a thank you card. I hope this thank you will go some way to tell you how I feel.

I never realised what love and support was until I got mesothelioma, some good things do come out of it. x x x

READ MORE - Bloods done.