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Sunday, 5 June 2011

Thank you Siobhan x x x

I have to say a great big THANK YOU to my beautiful daughter, Siobhan, for all her hard work and dedication to raise funds for Theo's holiday fund. She has been and continues to be amazing.
She has made badges, stickers, bookmarks and more on her art page and it is all selling well, there are parcels leaving our house every day!!
Kieran is back to school tomorrow after a week of half term. I want to get back to some normality and back to work at some point, don't think it will be much before August though.

The funds are now at £2,569 which is wonderful. I have sold some things on Ebay and had so many lovely letters and donations from people and am so overwhelmed by the love and caring coming from them.

Tomorrow is the blood transfusion which I hope will make me feel much better.
Not long till Germany now, It will be great to see the Prof but I wish it was under different circumstances.

Thank you to Breda and Steve for their lovely email and support.

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