Jeanette and I returned home yesterday, we were met by her partner, Mark who drove us back home. She has been brilliant, so supportive. She is coming with me the next time too which is in August.
It was an eventful time. Our plane was delayed by 2 hours so we took our time, got something to eat and had a general look around. We got to Germany and settled into our hotel. We were looking forward to meeting Neil and Cher the next day. Cher had travelled all the way from Australia to have the treatment.
We had our traditional German beer toast to the treatment and to wishing Theo gets his backside into gear and moves out.
We were up at around 7:30pm on Friday to get ready for the hospital. We went down for breakfast, well, Jeanette had breakfast, I watched : )
We then made our way to the hospital in time to see Cher and Neil get out of a taxi. It was wonderful to see them. We went to the office to pay for the treatment and then sat and waited for our names to be called. As both our names have 'W' in them, it was amusing to hear Velan and Breever being called. Cher went first, I followed not long after.
I had the MRI scan done first and then it was to the theatre for the procedure. I was so worried about the initial needle going in as last time it was 5 tries. Jeanette knew how I was feeling and insisted on coming in to be with me. It was good to have her there, she was wonderful. One attempt was tried, no needle in so the Dr went off to get someone who could do it, the othere Dr did it first time. I am not sure if the people who do the needles are practicing but a choice should be given.
With the needle in, in came the main man, the Prof. He talked continuously about my family, asking if I have grand children yet and talking about how many emails I get while doing the procedure. I watched the treatment being done on the screen and was glad to see he was tackling the bit I wanted tackled, the meso beside the heart.
When Prof had finished, the team started to tidy up and ready me to leave the theatre. I had felt very slight tingly lips and tongue but thought nothing of it, as I lay there, I started to get very tight and breathless. The Dr who did the needle administered some Cortisone and anti histamine to the drip and it very slowly calmed down.
I was taken out to the area to rest. I was beside Cher who was recovering from her treatment.
We slept for about 3 hours and then up and off to have another MRI scan to make sure everything is in place and then go to the waiting room to see the Prof for a consultation.
Prof was his usual busy self, man of few words. He said I had good lung capacity which was good to hear.
Cher and Neil went in to see Prof, we both got our CD's of the images taken.
We went back to our hotels for a rest. After a good sleep, Jeanette and I got ready to meet Cher and Neil at their hotel. When we arrived we were amazed at how wonderful their hotel was, we were greeted by a doorman who met us from the taxi. The hotel was welcoming, we could hear a piano playing as we made our way to the bar. The pianist was playing Louie Armstrong, one of my dad's favourites. That warmed me as I like to think he is around me when I need him, I need not have wondered as there was another sign of my dad, Gladioli. A beautiful display. My dad gave me a Glad on my birthday when I was about 10 or 11 and I have never forgotten it. It was so lovely. Cher and Neil bought us a drink and we chatted for such a long time.
We then went to eat, the food was wonderful, for dessert we have real German apple Strudel, gorgeous. Cher and I chatted about our lives and how we both enjoy the same things. We both love creating costumes and have made some wonderful outfits for our children. Cher did far more with her passion than I did. She is a fabulous artist and a very clever lady.
We also had a spooky moment with what we were wearing. We were both wearing leopard print grey, black and white outfits that merged in very well. We eventually left each other around 11:15pm, Jeanette and I were thoroughly spoilt. We all could have talked all night.
Well, it is back home the next day, I am hoping that when I go back in August that Theo has started to move out.
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