Anesthetic cream on, This is my Oompa Loompa look : )
I got up early and sorted Kieran out for school. We have road works going on so one of the roads is shut off. He has to walk quite a way to get his bus but I must sat that the travel training team have been wonderful. They have been supporting him as he gets very anxious, especially with any changes.
I then got my self ready and went onto school for a meeting. All went well with that and I hope Kieran feels a lot happier.
I got in my little Halo car and went into town to meet my friends at Havana's. The wonderful Teresa is doing my eyebrow tattoos. Jayne and Chrissy were in the salon waiting for me.
Teresa kindly said that they could come in and watch. While they were in there, Chrissy took some pictures of the procedure.
Eyebrows done, it was then off to lunch. We went to the Berkley and met Avis who was going to see the phantom of the opera with us. Jayne couldn't go as she had to pick up her little girl from school. Such a shame, she made us all smile as she bowed her head and did a sad face as she said goodbye to us.
We got to the theatre and were told that the performance would now be at 2:30pm and not 2:00pm. We were happy with that. The show was cancelled yesterday and the theatre very kindly gave everyone their money back and also a chance to see the dress rehearsal for free which is what we were doing. We met Viki, another friend, who gave us our tickets for the rehearsal and gave us our money for tickets purchased.
We were all waiting outide when the tannoy went on and a gentleman's voice apologised for the delay. There was a gasp of anticipation, everyone, I am sure, thought it was going to be cancelled again. Phew.... relief as he continued his message. He reminded everyone it was now at 2:30pm. I think if they had of cancelled it again, there would have been a mutiny in the theatre !!
We saw the doors open and made our way to our seats, we were at the very back. I forgot my glasses ...... D'oh ..... me being short sighted would have a blurred experience.
No matter, this was a free show and we were all looking forward to seeing it. Cameron Mackinsosh came out and explained the reasons there were problems. The chandelier was not ready. It wouldn't be available for 2 weeks so we would have to use our imaginations. Sand bags were used instead. The music, the players, the sets and lighting more than made up for the lack of the chandelier. The main players have the most beautiful voices. The only complaint I have is that as we were at the back, the top of the scenery was obscures by the low ceiling and lights. We leant forward to see what was going on. The stairs were wonderful, they eerily appeared from the wall and when the actors had walked down, they slowly returned to the place they had appeared from. The gondola and candles were beautiful, such a dark, beautiful and mysterious scene. The music was phenomenal, typical Andrew Lloyd Webber. So passionate and spine chilling. What more can I say, well done everyone involved.
We left about 5:30pm, Chrissy and I said goodbye to Avis, I dropped Chrissy to her place, had a quick cuppa and then went off home, what a fantastic day, I hope I have many more.
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