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Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Great meeting today.

The little Meso tree at Saltram and the feather I found laying right beside it x
A pure white feather floats silently towards the ground.
As it lands, I pick it up,
and rest it gently in the palm of my hand.

Perhaps it's a delicate fragment from an Angel's wing,
possibly, a token of heavenly love,
or maybe, I see it as my own delight in a gentle white feather.

But as my eyes alight on this fragile plume,
my spirit lifts,
and I have a feeling
that my Guardian Angel is near me,
and is ever watchful.

I believe this perception will always stay with me,
and each time I glimpse a pure white feather
I will offer thanks to my
imperceivable protector.

I went to the South West Mesothelioma Support Group meeting with Richard from the
National Asbestos Helpline. Once again it was a really good meeting. 2 new people there today, one of them with Peritoneal mesothelioma. It is so difficult when you are first diagnosed, you don't know which way to turn.
George was there and he had done very well on his fund raising evening as did Marilyn and Phil. Between them they had raised around £2,000 for the group. This was a fantastic amount.

After the meeting, I showed Richard the little Meso tree at Saltram. We had lunch and a coffee, a lovely walk around the grounds and then he dropped me back home. We did talk a lot about the new charity we want to start for all asbestos sufferers, this would include asbestosis and pleural plaque. This is very close to my heart as my dad had pleural plaque.
We talked a lot about how it was going to be run and what it should be called.

It has been a very productive day.

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