I got a taxi to Derriford hospital yesterday morning and got to the ward at about 7:30am for my operation to remove Mick and Keith from their residence. Mick and Keith are my gall stones and I am had my gall bladder removed.
I eventually got to the operating theatre at around 12:00pm and came back 2 hours later. I had a drousy day but no pain. The anesthetist told me that he would put to injecttions under my ribs that would be a pain killer. It was wonderful, it lasted for 24 hours, no pain. Today it is wearing off. My friend Tina cam in to see me yesterday and left a little friend to keep me company, Webster the spider, he is so cute.
Her boyfriend, Lee, picked me up from the hospital and brought me home. Kieran was home when I got back. he came back to get the envelope to post his game from lovefilm back. He said he wanted to wait to see me. I had a hug from him and he then went back to his dads house till Sunday. I am feeling really sleepy today and a little sore. I have to leave the dressings on for a week and will see the consultant in 4 weeks.
He told me that the stones were like a bag of marbles and they had adhered to other organs, I am not sure which ones but will ask when I see him again.
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