The cats woke me up this morning, they were play fighting on my bed and trying to investigate what was down the side of it. Silly Kitties!!
I am feeling much better today. Just a little breathless and still coughing but not as much. I will have to get another sick note from work as mine runs out on 1st May.
Will I ever get back to work? I hope I do as I miss my friends and the social aspects that a job brings.
Kieran has said he wants to continue his radio station for fun. He is going to do his own chart show. I have said to him would you like to do this as a job as you can go to college and study. He has said no as it will take too long. Looks like it will be an obsessive hobby then : )
It is great to see that his autism is being channeled in to a hobby. I know we all have to listen to him continuously talk about the charts but that is Kieran.
Kieran has a short week of school again, none on Monday and none on Thursday due to the AV election. The weather has changed, it is now very overcast, that could be why my breathing and coughing has got better.
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