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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A day of surprises.

Today 2 parcels arrived, I have been going on about my mistletoe for a while now, how I need more. I need to get a prescription and has it comes from Germany, it can take 2 weeks to arrive. I have lapsed back on it. Any way, a parcel arrived this morning, I opened it only to find some mistletoe ampules. The lovely post office had broken about 3 of them but the majority were safe. with it cam a lovely letter from a Lady who lost her husband over a year ago, she thought she had sent them on but she hadn't. How wonderful, I am still sure that when I say things, someone is listening and fate intervenes to produce what I am looking for.
I took Kieran to the dentists this morning then dropped him back to school, on my return there was another parcel. this time it was from Mary, a warrior friend who had lost her lovely Peter. She enclosed 3 boxes of mushrooms that can be used to make tea and a donation with the most wonderful letter.
Later I went to see a friend to give her one of Siobhan's badges. We had a coffee and a chat, such a lovely day today.
I have a sore throat, thanks Kieran!!! He was home from school yesterday with a sore throat.
I am going to blast it with some lemsip tonight and hopefully feel better tomorrow.

I have the flights booked for Frankfurt thanks to Andrea who has been so helpful.

I am still reeling from all the love and devotion I have recieved from all my friends and warriors. I will admit, I have had a few tears about it. Thank you all so much for all you have done/are doing for me. I will never forget it. x x

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