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Saturday, 9 April 2011

Still coughing for England.

Yesterday was an eventful day. My lovely GP called in the morning to see how I was feeling. I thought that was so kind. She asked me to go to the surgery to give a sample of what I am coughing up and also wanted to know if I needed a stronger pain killer.
I told her I was fine with the ones I had as the pain was a lot less now.
I missed Kieran's Easter assembly as I would have coughed all the way through it and it isn't a pleasant sound.
I saw my friend Ali in the morning, she came round for a coffee and a chat. She is looking so well and is learning to live a life with Steph who she lost to breast cancer.
Stork's paw is still bleeding so it was a trip to the vets with him. Rich and I took him, Looks like he has an infection which he got through fighting with another cat.
Can't imagine my lovely Storkie fighting, he is so gentle. He had anti biotics and an anti inflammatory which will hopefully sort things out for him.
I picked Siobhan up later in the afternoon. I have missed her a lot, the boys have been a real pain this week.
And then there is Kieran and his tantrums. He has been playing on his xbox with a lad from school. He has now been blocked from Kieran's account because of his language and abuse.
Kieran said they are friends now, I told him he isn't playing on the xbox with him again, this fueled his rage which ended with him throwing my laptop to the floor.
At midnight, after many arguments about rules of the house, he decided he was going. Siobhan and I got in the car and took him to his dad's after I told him I had had enough and didn't want him around when he was acting like he was.
At 7:35 this morning, he apologised, I hope he means it but all parents know how long an apology lasts. He now has 2 weeks off school, Should be an interesting time!!

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