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Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Support group meeting.

I went to the local support group meeting this morning. It was packed, quite impressive. There were some new faces and, as usual, the hour long meeting that starts at 11:30 am went over time again. I left at 1:50 pm. There were still a couple of people there still chatting.
We had a talk from a physiotherapist. She had some really helpful tips for everyone.
One of our number wasn't there, Mr P, he isn't well. We all thought about him and his wife today.
Mr P has the sarcomatoid mesothelioma, the most aggressive kind, the kind that doesn't seem to respond to anything. I am hoping he gets through this latest blip and send love and strength to him.

The next meeting is on 2nd March. We discussed having our own Christmas cards and having a raffle each month which everyone seemed very keen to do.
After the meeting I went to the local garage where Halo had her wheel pedicure done. I got her tracking checked. She was a little out, not much, the mechanic said she has probably been like that a while and seemed impressed that her tracking was good.

Siobhan and Rich are not back home, Siobhan will be back tomorrow, to Kieran's disgust. He told me it is boring being with me. I tried asking him if he wanted to go to see a film or go out to eat, nope!! not interested. He is missing Siobhan and Rich, I have told him that when they eventually leave home, this is what it will be like, still doesn't like it!! Well there is no pleasing some people : )

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