Yesterday was very good, firstly the TOF seems to be fine. eating is a lot better, I am not choking on it so the stricture has gone which is great.
The washing machine has decided to say it wasn't going to play anymore. The drum paddles have come off and it will rip clothes to pieces if I put them in it so Siobhan and I headed to the local Comet to get another one.
Hopefully it is being delivered today otherwise my poor Bean will be going to school in a dirty uniform.
In the evening I went to my friends house for a meal. Wendy has just had her 50th Birthday and looks nowhere near her age. Also there were Lyn and Jacqui. We have been friends for 23 years.
Wendy was a real sweetheart, She knew about my op on Friday and made a meal for everyone that was easy. We all had soup, macoroni cheese with vegetables and profiteroles. It was delicious.
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