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Thursday, 2 September 2010

Friends, shopping and other happenings.

I met a friend I hadn't seen for 10 years or more today and it was lovely. My friend, Mandy has been very poorly and is an inspiration to me. She had alopecia a long time ago and I watched as she coped with losing all her hair and wearing a wig. This attitude made me see things totally differently. It probably had an impact on how I coped with the meso diagnosis. It was lovely to see her and chat about what has happened in our lives since we last saw each other.
We were very good friends until she moved house and we lost touch.
I hope todays meeting is going to be the first of many more.

I have been feeling very tired and nauseous over the past few days. I think it could be that anti biotics. I can stick with them as I want them to get rid of this chest infection. I still have a pain in my back which hurts if I cough, sneeze or breath too heavily. I do have thoughts in the back of my mind that I hope it isn't meso in the right lung. I don't think it is but I can't help attributing every twinge with Theo. I hope he is having a grand ole time in Germany and stays there for even longer!
I have to get Kieran's school things together so tomorrow will probably be full of shopping for trousers, sweat shirts and a PE kit.
I will be seeing my little great nephew tomorrow who was born a few days ago. I am looking forward to that. I am the only one of my sisters not to have grandchildren, I will enjoy my sisters grand children for the time being : )

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