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Friday, 13 August 2010

Great news on the TOF.

I received a letter from the Taunton Dr today and I am so happy. He has managed to track down a paper detailing a lady of 74 who had a tracheo oesophageal fistula. It was bigger than mine and has been successfully sealed with an over the scope clip.
She was transferred to an Italian hospital in March 2009 for the procedure.
Why can't all Dr's be like this. The Taunton Dr has been amazing. He is so pleased to have me as a patient and has said he hasn't seen this condition in this country and the 74 year old lady is the first in world literature. No one else has performed this procedure in the UK and he seems happy to do it. He is going to arrange training for himself on how to use the clip.
The over the scope clip comes from one of my favourite places that haunt me wherever I go............... Germany!!!

On another note, I have been to the Dr's today and have got different anti biotics. How difficult was that?

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