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Sunday, 8 August 2010

car boot sale today.

The weather stayed lovely today for me and my friend, Gina, to do a car boot sale. I got to the first one and was turned away as they said it was too busy. I called Gina and we met up, we then trundled out to Ivybridge to the donkey sanctuary where another car boot sale was being help.
I sold a lot of mine and the children's things for pences rather than pounds and made around £30. This was split 4 ways, Kieran now has a little money for his game he wants. I am going to try and persuade him to come with me next Sunday.
It has been a busy weekend and I am now paying the price for that. My back is aching so much. I am back to the Dr's tomorrow for different antibiotics to clear up this chest infection, it is so painful and I am very breathless. Nothing will keep me from having fun though and regardless of the chest infection, i will be getting things ready for next Sunday.

Kieran is coming home today, He has been away with his dad for the weekend so it will be great to see him.

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