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Saturday, 8 May 2010

How To Understand Mesothelioma Symptom

by Christopher Smith

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which affects the mesothelium. Pleural, peritoneal and pericardial are the three forms of mesothelioma. It is a serious form of cancer and occurs due to asbestos exposure for a prolonged period of time. Mesothelioma symptom appears after many years of being infected. Most of the mesothelioma deaths occur since the infection is diagnosed at developed stages of the disease.

Similar symptoms are shown by all the three types of mesothelioma cancer and the exact diagnosis can be done only by an experienced medical practitioner. Many deaths have occurred due to the wrong diagnosis and delayed treatment due to it. The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are difficulty in swallowing, shortness of breath, hoarseness, building up of excess fluid between the pleura known as pleural effusion, coughing up of blood, pain in abdomen, chest, shoulder or arm, weight loss, loss of appetite, fever etc.

Depending of the seriousness of the disease, the symptoms may vary from person to person. About 90% of the patients experience chest pain and shortness of breath, 84% suffer pleural effusion and less than 30% bear weight loss. It should also be noted that around 3% of the patients remain without any symptoms.

Pain or swelling in the abdomen, high fever, problems associated with bowel movements, weight loss etc are experienced by peritoneal mesothelioma patients. A few patients may go through additional mesothelioma symptoms where as some may not witness all the above mentioned symptoms. The symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are persistent cough, pain of varying degrees, tiredness without any physical exertion etc.

Once the disease is properly identified through the tests and symptoms the first thing to do is to decide up on a winning treatment formula. Mesothelioma symptom normally appears when one has crossed his prime age. This is a serious handicap in the way for a complete cure. Once the treatment is finalized, the actual process starts in earnest. Localized tumors can be eradicated by surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation may be required if the cancer is in the advanced stages, but the results are not always positive.

About the Author
If you have a Mesothelioma Lawsuit due to asbestos exposure, contact a {a href="http://"}Mesothelioma Lawyer to represent your concern in this matter.

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