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Tuesday, 9 October 2007

I've Been Diagnosed with Mesothelioma, What Do I Do Next?

by Faithe Thomas

Mesothelioma is a disease which you should not take lightly. This ailment is a deadly and rare type of cancer. It can start in the heart and abdomen; however, it usually starts from the lungs. The latter is commonly known as pleural mesothelioma, where the membrane lining of the chest cavity has accumulated plaque. Because of this, cancer-causing cells increase out of control. Usually, these cells invade other bodily organs and tissues. The symptoms of this medical condition manifest themselves after 3 to 5 decades of being exposed to asbestos. Since it is already at its advanced stage, it is hard to treat and can lead to death. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, there is a greater likelihood that you or your loved one will die within a year.

Like most mesothelioma patients, you might not be aware that you have contracted this type of disease. There are a lot of patients who do not know that exposure to asbestos is the reason why they are affected with mesothelioma.

Unfortunately, many company owners and employers know of the hazards that asbestos fibers bring. However, they have not done anything to protect their workers from the risks. With this fact, certain state laws allow you to file a lawsuit claim against the company you were working for when you were exposed to asbestos. There are also individuals who have not been warned of the hazards of the asbestos-laden product that they have been using. If this is your case, you are also entitled to file a claim.

If you want to file a claim, you have to remember that you have to do this right away. You will only be able to do this within a specific time after you have been diagnosed with the problem. You will know whether you have gone past the statute limitation of your state when you ask for the guidance of a mesothelioma lawyer within your state.

When you are exposed to the fibers of asbestos, you will be carrying the effects for the rest of your life. You cannot reverse the effects. Generally, the law asks the liable party to return your life back to its original state, before you have been exposed to asbestos. However, this is not possible. On the other hand, you will be provided with monetary compensation, which covers the damage that you have been through. If you have adequate evidence to prove that you have been exposed to asbestos fibers, you will be offered non-monetary and monetary compensation. These are usually based on the following:

* the pain and anguish due to your condition

* emotional distress

* loss of life enjoyment

* loss of your capability to work

* loss of previous and future income

* rehabilitation and medical care expenses

* hospital bills

You will also be able to obtain another type of recovery damage. This comes in the form of "punitive damages". This is provided to the claimant as a punishment to the bad conduct of the defendant. This has received great attention from the media; however, this is rarely given to the victims.

If you or your loved one has just been diagnosed with mesothelioma; it is important that you act right away. This way, you will still be able to obtain the rightful compensation that you need. Although the total amount of compensation will not be able to cover for all of the pain that you have gone through, the money will allow you to pay for medical and legal expenses.

About the Author
Faithe Thomas has prepared a website to help people find info on asbestos-related illness and possible litigation. Please see

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