My blog on the big screen.

Lynn from HASAG.

Phyllis from Clydeside Action on Asbestos.

Me getting ready for my talk.

After the talk I met Irene, another warrior who has lost her wonderful husband.

My little pony in Hambleys, Siobhan's favourite toy.

Irene getting her nails done.

Practicing for Egypt?

The socks will have to go!!! I didn't get this dress although I do like it.

This one is a no-no...too young for me.

Not sure, didn't get this one either.

This one is a big fat yes, got this one...and it looks much better with shoes.

I got this one too.

I wasn't sure about this one...I didn't get it.

My bracelet from Irene.

Lovely Christmas lights.

My gorgeous new shoes.... there's no place like home!!!

Ready for the Ceilidh.

The stunning and gorgeous Chrissy!

We scrub up pretty good : )

Linda, a lung nurse who knows Pat and Tony.

Our effort for Mo-vember....hehehehe x

My wonderful BFF, I have so many.

Veggie Wellington...yum yum.

Dancing the Ceilidh.

Me with Liz Darlison.

Me with Dawn.

We found a man with a kilt.

My gorgeous new shoes.......

....... New tights too.

Chrissy and I were up at 8:30, got ready and went and had breakfast. The hotel is beautiful, the Marriott in Glasgow, four star luxury.
After breakfast we walked around a bit and then mad our way to the conference room where I was going to do my talk. I wasn't nervous at all, if anything I was hoping I could keep it all together as I had been feeling quite emotional the night before when I read my talk to Chrissy, it was from the heart.
I met so many lovely people, Lynn Squibb from HASAG (Hamshires Abestos support and awareness group) This group was set up by Lynn and her sister, Diane after losing their dad, they are wonderful girls. I also met Phyllis Craig who is with the Clydeside action on asbestos group. Such a shame we didn't stay longer, Phyllis invited us to her office and look at the work her and her colleagues do.
I went into the conference room and gave the tech guy my web address to put on the screen.
The coference started and we listened as a surgeon talked about many things, mostly about the EPP, extra pleural pneumonectomy, removing the damaged lung, part of the parcardium and diaphragm, chemo before or after treatment and much more, all very interesting.
We listened to Gerry Slade from Papworth, she was lovely and she knew David Phillips and his wife, David had passed away recently.
My turn came and up I went. I started my talk well, got a bit shakey when talking about Pat and Tony, my inspiration, without whom I wouldn't be here today.
Got to the end where I say I have got the best award ever, I am still here with my children and I lost it... I was filling up, as Bobby Ball would say : )
When I had finished I was so surprised to see that I got a standing ovation, this made me even worse..... how wonderful. Everyone in the room was on there feet and and clapping for little old me from Plymouth, I thanked every one again, and sat with Chrissy, she was in tears too : )
After the meeting, we went to meet Irene. I have been in touch with Irene for a while now, we email eachother quite a lot. She lost her husband Kaz to mesothelioma this year.
We had a bite to eat at the conference and it was decided that I needed an outfit for the evening as there was a CEILIDH, a Scottish dance. We had been invited by the conference organisors, Liz Darlison and Dawn MacKinley. These 2 ladies work so hard and it was so good to see them again, they also run the Mesothelioma UK offices and conferences.
I now had 2 personal shoppers with me, Chrissy and Irene. First we went to Hambleys to get some pony's for Siobhan, she collects them, then we went to a couple of shops to look for a dress for the evening.
We had such a great time looking at dresses, trying them on and deciding which was best. We also decided that it couldn't just be a dress, I needed shoes, bag and tights. I am liking this, 2 wardrobe mistresses ....fantastic : )
Chrissy and Irene went off to find some shoes to try with the dresses and came back with a lovely pair of midnight blue glittered ones. They were gorgeous, I really liked them although they did hurt my toe a little on one foot.
I settles on 2 dresses, a pair of the shoes, gorgeous shoes I might add!!! Got to the check out and no wonder the shoes was pinching my foot, I had 2 left footed shoes..... heheheheh.
I paid for said items and then we went off to Primarny...I mean Primark for a bag and pair of tights. Well it ended up being a bag, pair of tights, earrings and 2 head bands.
After all this shopping we deserved a cuppa. What a wonderful afternoon, I hope Chrissy and Irene enjoyed it as much as I did. We made our way back to the hotel, Irene gave me a gift, a lovely little bracelet. When she emailed me she had said at the end of it "X()X all will become apparent when I see you". The bracelet had a X and then a little stone and another X. Gorgeous, so pretty.
We said goodbye to Irene and went up to our room. We decided we would go for a swim, well we have the pool and sauna here so why not. I was very impressed with myself, I swam I felt really good, not very breathless at all. It feels so good. I did a few lengths and then walked along with Chrissy as she swam as I know I need to pace myself. We went in the steam room and the sauna, I have never done that before. All very nice : )
We went back up to the room again and got ourselves ready to go out, well, how fabulous were we.
My friend Chrissy is a classy lady, she always looks smart and very glamorous. I felt like I had been Chrissyfied, I felt like a million dollars when I put on my new outfit. Chrissy looked fabulous too.
We went down to meet the nurses for our meal, such a lovely meal, I had veggie wellington, it was lovely. We watched as the nurses did the Ceilidh, so energetic, we found a man in a kilt!!! that was a must on coming to Glasgow : )
We stayed until about 10:30 and then went off to bed, we had an early start the next day. We had the most wonderful day, well couple of days. We have been treated so well.