by Dillon Randall
Although peritoneal mesothelioma is not the most common form of this disease, it is a very aggressive form of cancer. It is formed when asbestos fibers or foreign chemical substances are trapped in the space between the lining of the abdomen. As the cancer progresses there are more complications involved.
However, treatment options are best when the patient responds well to the treatment. Studies have shown that of all mesothelioma cases only twenty percent are peritoneal which is relatively low in this already rare form of cancer. There is no definite source to the cause of the mesothelioma but it is believed to be caused by prolonged proximity to asbestos, through survey results of those with the disease from around the world. Radiation exposure, thoratast or thorioum dioxide used in x-rays in the 1950’s, the virus SV40 or the simian virus or a mineral in turkey called zeolite are all a contributing factor.
Asbestos enters our systems through inhaling it and can cause it to get into our lungs. Our bodies’ natural defenses try to get rid of it through coughing it up, which can cause it to be swallowed and allows for entrance into the stomach. It then works it way into the mesothelium, or a protective sac that covers the internal organs. The abdomen wall, also know as peritoneum, continues to be attacked as this cancer forms. Once the substance is trapped the body cannot drive it out.
As the asbestos fibers irritate the abdomen cavity, fluid will usually form and tumors eventually as well. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, swelling and pain in the abdomen, appearance of lumps under the skin, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting. It will also start putting pressure on the surrounding organs as fluid builds up. These are things the doctors look out for to determine mesothelioma as the culprit. Only about one in a million people are affected by mesothelioma but when it found it’s usually spread to far for treatment. Once they can start fighting the disease it’s likely a patient will do well if found in the first stage. Surgery is a lot less risky because the health of the patient is stable enough to recover well afterward.
Through the second stage the cancerous cells may have infected most of the abdominal area. At this point possibilities for treatment can be hard to treat. The third stage can be a nightmare to cure because of the cancer has most likely spread to the surrounding organs. Chemotherapy and painkillers are recommended. It greatly depends upon the body reacting well to the treatment. Many survivors are reported when the disease is found early, about half live to the two year mark and twenty percent live up to five years. For the most part peritoneal mesothelioma is hard to diagnose, yet comparatively there are few reasons to suspect it.
If for any reason, however, there is suspected possibilities of contracting such a disease, one should be routinely checked in order to find the cancer early before it spreads farther than treatment options can guarantee. There are great successes through medicine practice; one only has to have the knowledge of what to watch for and take action to get treatment as early as possible.
About the Author
If you would like to learn more about the peritoneal mesothelioma and its symptoms, you can come check out my blog where you can benefit to read more about the great ways to invite real changes and opportunity into your life.
What About Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Symptoms
Although peritoneal mesothelioma is not the most common form of this disease, it is a very aggressive form of cancer. It is formed when asbestos fibers or foreign chemical substances are trapped in the space between the lining of the abdomen. As the cancer progresses there are more complications involved.
However, treatment options are best when the patient responds well to the treatment. Studies have shown that of all mesothelioma cases only twenty percent are peritoneal which is relatively low in this already rare form of cancer. There is no definite source to the cause of the mesothelioma but it is believed to be caused by prolonged proximity to asbestos, through survey results of those with the disease from around the world. Radiation exposure, thoratast or thorioum dioxide used in x-rays in the 1950’s, the virus SV40 or the simian virus or a mineral in turkey called zeolite are all a contributing factor.
Asbestos enters our systems through inhaling it and can cause it to get into our lungs. Our bodies’ natural defenses try to get rid of it through coughing it up, which can cause it to be swallowed and allows for entrance into the stomach. It then works it way into the mesothelium, or a protective sac that covers the internal organs. The abdomen wall, also know as peritoneum, continues to be attacked as this cancer forms. Once the substance is trapped the body cannot drive it out.
As the asbestos fibers irritate the abdomen cavity, fluid will usually form and tumors eventually as well. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, swelling and pain in the abdomen, appearance of lumps under the skin, diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting. It will also start putting pressure on the surrounding organs as fluid builds up. These are things the doctors look out for to determine mesothelioma as the culprit. Only about one in a million people are affected by mesothelioma but when it found it’s usually spread to far for treatment. Once they can start fighting the disease it’s likely a patient will do well if found in the first stage. Surgery is a lot less risky because the health of the patient is stable enough to recover well afterward.
Through the second stage the cancerous cells may have infected most of the abdominal area. At this point possibilities for treatment can be hard to treat. The third stage can be a nightmare to cure because of the cancer has most likely spread to the surrounding organs. Chemotherapy and painkillers are recommended. It greatly depends upon the body reacting well to the treatment. Many survivors are reported when the disease is found early, about half live to the two year mark and twenty percent live up to five years. For the most part peritoneal mesothelioma is hard to diagnose, yet comparatively there are few reasons to suspect it.
If for any reason, however, there is suspected possibilities of contracting such a disease, one should be routinely checked in order to find the cancer early before it spreads farther than treatment options can guarantee. There are great successes through medicine practice; one only has to have the knowledge of what to watch for and take action to get treatment as early as possible.
About the Author
If you would like to learn more about the peritoneal mesothelioma and its symptoms, you can come check out my blog where you can benefit to read more about the great ways to invite real changes and opportunity into your life.