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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Compensation for Mesothelioma sufferers

The danger of continuous exposure to asbestos is well known to all the companied for decades however many let their employees work with asbestos without proper protection and directly putting them at risk of developing mesothelioma. After several years of work with asbestos, the employees who got now retired are not enjoying their retirement but had to take severe pain and go through the treatment which they did not ask for.

Since there will be long latency for the asbestos related cancer, the employees will not know whether they developed mesothelioma until 20 to 30 years. Once they start observing the symptoms they go to the doctors and finally they discover that they developed mesothelioma cancer as a result of their work which involved asbestos. This would come as a total surprise to so many victims.

The compensation the mesothelioma sufferers get will make them eligible to file for is to cover all the medical expenses which this bloody disease can incur not more than the suffering, pain the victims go through. Another way to look at the compensation is to help the dependants of the victim if he is severely disabled. Four to twelve months is the typical survival rate of a mesothelioma patient.

You must act swiftly to file your claim for compensation. A lot of effort is required to put a solid case or build a solid case and there are certain time limits within which action has to be taken. According to the state laws, the attorney can suggest what to do to hasten the process. The amount the victims get from such cases depends on a number of factors. If your case is very strong, he may try to get a out of the court settlement which saves you lot of time instead of dragging the case in the court for years. The compensation depends on how badly you are affected by the asbestos exposure. Many people claim millions securing the futures of their families and also covering the pain and expenses of mesothelioma treatment. Time is important if you are planning to file a lawsuit on mesothelioma and you should do it as early as possible.
READ MORE - Compensation for Mesothelioma sufferers

Friday, 18 September 2009

Mesothelioma - The Deadliest Disease

by Patrick Okumu Otieno

Mesothelioma is one among the most deadly diseases of all time to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to metamorphose in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdominal cavity. Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deathly disease, but those can never certainly weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease.

Mesothelioma is an absolutely fatal disease which has claimed many people into its lethal grip. The uttermost period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, is a year or two. It is worst form of cancer which is not curable. Nevertheless, modern studies have recommended that whenever the disease is diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the person who gets affected by this deathly disease, can be stretched to at most 5 years. The treating this disease is very expensive and the treatment does not ensure life but only a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum called for as the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment .

The main cause of mesothelioma has been discovered to be prolonged exposure to asbestos. Most of the patients that have been diagnosed with the disease, had acquired the disease cause of prolonged exposure to asbestos. The statistics of the mesothelioma patients has revealed the connection between the asbestos and the dangerous cancer syndrome and typically this disease is found to affect people and workers who work in industries. Usually, industries use asbestos as an imperative input for carrying on different processes; it is being used in factories, automobile, shipyard and building. Direct exposure to loose asbestos fibers can acquire the symptoms of mesothelioma, but the infected cells can remain dormant in the body for a long period of about 15-20 years.

The worst form of the disease is the one that is detected in older people i.e. at the age of 50-60 years and also mostly in it's last stages. This reduces the chances of the individual's recovery. It is therefore very necessary that people who are likely to take in large doses of asbestos particles should be scanned regularly for any symptoms of Mesothelioma. Several Government policies empower Mesothelioma patients to claim for compensation. They can file lawsuits with the help of their attorneys for claiming such compensation. The Mesothelioma victims can sue the company in which they worked with for not undertaking any steps to slacken the use of asbestos or for not using it in a more protective way which results in endangering the lives of the employees.

About the Author
The author, Patrick Okumu Otieno, is an experienced internet marketer and web designer cam developer. He has authored several articles on electronics technology, home maintenance and improvement, plus many more.
Find out for yourself at his website:
READ MORE - Mesothelioma - The Deadliest Disease

Monday, 14 September 2009

In CSX Asbestos Case, Gilkison Found Not Culpable A federal grand jury in West Virginia has ruled that Robert Gilkison is not guilty of conspiracy to defraud CSX. The case has undergone a number of twists and turns, beginning as far back as 2000, when CSX employee Ricky May, who had previously tested negative for asbestosis, learned that Pittsburgh-based law firm Peirce, Raimond, and Coulter,

Friday, 11 September 2009

Asbestos Fraud Case Goes to TrialCSX Transportation, a leader in the rail freight industry, presented their suit against a West Virginia-based doctor, a Pittsburgh-based law firm and one of the firm’s employees for filing false claims of asbestos exposure against the company. The suit, originally filed in 2005, claims that Robert Gilkison and his employers, the law firm of Peirce, Raimond and

Friday, 4 September 2009

Potsdam, NY Civic Center Gets Asbestos Remediation after Cancer Deaths In Potsdam, New York, two workers at the city’s civic center, or city hall, died this summer within three weeks of one another, raising fears of asbestos contamination in the building on Park Street in downtown Potsdam. One, Sharon M. LaDuke, 57, died May 29 after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare and often fatal
Palmyra, PA Asbestos Cleanup to Add $1M to Previous CostIn December of 2008, voters in Palmyra, Pennsylvania were asked to approve a $9.88- million bond referendum to fund a variety of improvements at the district's three schools, the most urgent being asbestos removal at Charles Street School, which serves students from kindergarten through sixth grade.The referendum was scheduled for Dec. 9

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Mesothelioma - Trends in Diagnosis and Discovery

by Thomas Ajava

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that involves the mesothelium lining found in the chest, lungs, abdomen and general body cavity. It is a form of cancer and is associated most closely with exposure to toxic asbestos dust.
Being diagnosed with any form of cancer is simply bad news. There is no two ways around it. In the case of Mesothelioma, the cancer in question is very treacherous for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, there are tendencies that occur in case after case and are now considered established trends. Let's take a closer look at a few.


Mesothelioma is extremely difficult to deal with because it takes a very long time to manifest. From the date of exposure and breathing in of asbestos fibers into the lungs, it can take 25 to 40 years for the cancer to manifest. This is why Mesothelioma is still such a problem despite most forms of asbestos being banned in the late 1980s. It is yet another reason why you should also be getting regular checkups.

Righty - Lefty

Mesothelioma tends to appear in the right side of the body cavity around the lungs. Why? The right and left lungs are situated differently into the body cavity as the heart takes up space on the left. Regardless, the trend is definitely for Mesothelioma to show up on the right side, odd as that may seem.

Sex and Race

Mesothelioma is not an equal opportunity health threat. Men tend to be diagnosed with it far more than women, sometimes as much as five times more often in a particular area. It also strikes Caucasians far more than African Americans although no particular reason for this has been discovered.

Getting Checked

Many victims of Mesothelioma do not realize they have a health problem at first. This is understandable given the long time it takes for the cancer to manifest. Still, most victims will take as long as two years to go see a doctor after the onset of symptoms. Given the fact a yearly checkup should be done, this is unfortunate.

Mesothelioma is fairly rare, but a brutal form of cancer. If you believe that you've been exposed to asbestos at any time, make sure to consult with your medical professional as soon as possible for both an exam and plan for future monitoring.

About the Author
Thomas Ajava writes for - where you can can learn more about asbestos lawsuits in Texas.
READ MORE - Mesothelioma - Trends in Diagnosis and Discovery

Story of Mesothelioma survivor

A friend of my colleague whose name I cannot disclose here developed severe mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure at work. He was once operated in early 2007. The doctors provided a number of treatment options to him but none of them convinced him .He suspected they might further deteriorate his health. He went through chemotherapy for the cancer which was caused by exposure to asbestos but now he stopped doing that seeing no good improvement.

He stopped talking any medication and he believed running will help him his condition as he got to know it from a fellow sufferer. So he went running day in and day out to prove the doctors wrong who had not much hope to cure the cancer. He is proactive in treating his disease and has participated in several meso races to raise awareness and funding.

Inspite of all this, it is very surprising that asbestos is not banned in United States. This material is still used in various manufacturing industries and particularly construction industry, There was a bill to ban asbestos in 1989 and the Washington senators almost got it passes but the judge overturned it. However, Europe countries have banned the use of asbestos in mid 2005.

There is a lot of medical research going on with treating mesothelioma however the current measures are very ineffective. The reason for him to run is to raise funds for the research so he was kind of great in helping not only him but every sufferer of mesothelioma.
READ MORE - Story of Mesothelioma survivor