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Saturday, 25 April 2009

New and Experimental Treatments For Mesothelioma

By Joseph Devine

Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma are often confronted with a confusing array of possible treatment options. Traditional forms of treatment include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. However, a number of experimental and alternative treatments are now being investigated by physicians around the world. In some cases, these new treatments are already helping to extend the lives of patients.

Gene therapy is used in conjunction with chemotherapy, in order to increase the possibility of its success. This type of therapy is commonly called suicide gene therapy, because it causes cancer cells to turn against themselves. Other types of gene therapies use alternate methods to reduce cell growth and prevent the cancer from spreading.

Another type of new treatment approach is known as photodynamic therapy (PDT). It is another method of destroying cancer cells by exposing them to a special laser light. The light activates photosensitive medication within the cells, which is taken by the patient prior to exposure. The cells are destroyed once the light reaches them. Unfortunately, this type of treatment is not always effective. In addition, there are several potential side effects, including skin sensitivity and nausea.

There are also several experimental drugs being used to treat mesothelioma. A category of drug known as anti-angiogenesis medications attempt to destroy cancer cells while leaving other cells unharmed. This is possible due to new knowledge about the manner in which cancer cells differ from normal cells. Using these drugs, the need for chemotherapy is reduced.

A final type of experimental treatment is immunotherapy. This method uses the patient's own immune system to kill cancer cells. Normally, our immune systems are unable to distinguish between healthy cells and cancerous cells.

Immunotherapy attempts to enhance a patient's immune system to differentiate between the two, allowing it to fight back against the cancer cells. This is usually accomplished via a vaccine or oral medication. However, this form of treatment is quite new and doctors are still working to determine its viability.

To learn more about this disease and the methods available for treatment, visit the Williams Kherkher mesothelioma attorney at

Joseph Devine
READ MORE - New and Experimental Treatments For Mesothelioma

Sunday, 12 April 2009

The Harm of Asbestos Exposure

by Matt D Murren

If you think you have had any asbestos exposure, you should contact a doctor immediately. Inhaling the small, sliver-like shards of this mineral, used in insulation in older homes and businesses can be extremely hazardous to your health, especially after prolonged exposure.

If you have only had one or two short exposures to this mineral, you should be able to breath easy, however, if you work in an office or have lived in a home that has been ridden with asbestos for decades, you may have already done some serious harm to yourself. Asbestos easily becomes airborne, especially friable asbestos. When inhaled, these small shards attach themselves onto the lining of your lungs and into your lung tissue as well as in your airways. Over time, with continuous asbestos exposure, these imbedded shards can become inflamed and turn into cancerous tumors called Mesothelioma or lung cancer. Both cancers are very difficult cancer to treat.

Clean up can occur to cease any more asbestos exposure. Companies are available that specialize solely in the removal of asbestos. This is a pricey conquest and certainly not an easy task, but it will prove to be invaluable when you are no longer subjecting yourself or others to this dangerous chemical. When a company comes in to remove the asbestos, it generally requires the removal of the insulation itself, which means tearing down the drywall. The proper protective gear is worn during this time as well as well ventilated breathing masks. Most people employed by asbestos removal companies are asked to not have facial hair to lessen the risk of any asbestos "clinging" onto the hair and risking the chance of inhalation.

It is imperative that the material remains wet at all times as friable asbestos, when dry, is the worst asbestos exposure. Once the asbestos is removed, it is placed inside a protective container and taken to a landfill that accepts asbestos disposal. Many landfills do not accept this chemical, so make sure to call ahead. It is possible to take on the task of removing the asbestos yourself, but trusting a reliable company to do the work for you will ensure that it is done correctly and will lessen your risk of asbestos exposure if you do not do it right the first time. Your health is not anything to play around with and it is important not to take any risks, especially when hazardous chemicals are involved.

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