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Thursday, 26 June 2008

Treatment for asbestos-caused mesothelioma

New York hospitals are recruiting patients for a clinical research study of a new treatment for pleural mesothelioma caused by asbestos.

Researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center say the standard treatment for pleural mesothelioma is currently surgery to remove the patient's lung -- a potentially debilitating consequence, but the new treatment involves targeted radiation and chemotherapy.

"Current surgical and chemotherapy treatments of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma are unsatisfactory, and have not been shown to significantly prolong survival," Dr. Robert Taub, the study's principal investigator, director of the Mesothelioma Center at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia and professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons said in a statement.

"In this study, we will investigate whether a combination of chemotherapy and radiation targeted directly at the lung's lining can improve outcomes while avoiding surgery -- in addition, this approach has shown to have minimal toxic side effects compared to systemic chemotherapy."

Researchers anticipate that the radiation therapy will kill the cancer cells on the surface of the lung while sparing other parts of the lung and surrounding vital tissues.
READ MORE - Treatment for asbestos-caused mesothelioma

Sunday, 15 June 2008

What is Pleural Mesothelioma?

Pleural mesothelioma is a particularly aggressive and dangerous type of cancer. It is defined as a cancer of the lining that surrounds the lungs or chest cavity. There are two main reasons why it is so dangerous. It has a very long time between initial exposure to the causative agent, almost always asbestos, and the development of symptoms. This time span can often be decades long, and many times, a diagnosis is made too late for effective treatment. Additionally, once symptoms are present in such severity that a diagnosis is sought, the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma, but shares the primary cause of all other types. Asbestos is inhaled and collects inside the lungs. While most asbestos particles are eliminated by natural functions of the human body, individual fibers can migrate to the pleural lining, and initiate cancerous growth over the years. The full effects of pleural mesothelioma on society will take some time to figure, as the use of asbestos has been so widespread in preceding years.

The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are many, but are usually caused by one of three complications. The rapid growth of a malignant tumor on the pleural lining can put tremendous pressure on the lungs. In addition, fluid can often build up in between the pleural lining and the lungs as a result of tumor growth.

Symptoms specific to the above causes can include, but are certainly not limited to dry coughing, chest pain and shortness of breath. The least significant of these symptoms, dry coughing has many causes and should generally only be considered specific to mesothelioma when other symptoms are present, or exposure to asbestos has been documented. Both chest pain and shortness of breath, however, can be indicative of many serious conditions, and should be assessed by a doctor promptly.

The third common cause for some of the more general symptoms is the body's attempt to fight the disease. These can include fever, inability to regulate the body's temperature and weight loss.

A number of screening options are available to your doctor in order to determine whether or not pleural mesothelioma is the cause of symptoms. These can include CAT scans, MRI and X-Rays. After the initial screening, if mesothelioma is still suspected, a biopsy will be performed to analyze the tissue in question. Again, there are different techniques the doctor can use in order to sample the tissue, depending on the circumstances. Generally, however, a biopsy is relatively non-invasive procedure where a piece of the tumor is removed from the patient and sent to lab. Specialists at the lab can then perform a number of different tests in order to determine the nature of the tissue.

Finally, with a positive identification as pleural mesothelioma, the doctor can then begin treatment. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical removal of the cancerous areas, and clinical trials can all be utilized. The specific treatment option will generally be determined by the stage, or level of advancement, of the cancer.

While pleural mesothelioma is very treatable if caught at the earliest stages, this is often not the case due to the very general symptoms it produces. As the cancer advances into the later stages, treatment will primarily be focused on improving the patient's quality of life.

Ryan Gabriel is the webmaster for a complete online mesothelioma website. Visit for additional content regarding mesothelioma and the latest relevant news on the subject.
READ MORE - What is Pleural Mesothelioma?

Friday, 6 June 2008

Mesothelioma Introduction

by Javier Jimenez

Not too many people worldwide know exactly what mesothelioma is. Well, it’s a type of cancer brought about by exposure to a fiber-like material known as asbestos. As of today, there exists no definitive cure for the disease, something quite unfortunate for those who suffer from it. Asbestos, although initially appearing to be a miraculous material, turned out to be a fraud when in the ‘70s it was discovered that asbestos was linked to the development of mesothelioma. Since the disease takes years to surface, many that were once involved in the shipping, refining, and mining industries are suing their former employers over their development of the disease.

If you were involved in any of the above industries and feel that you may be suffering from mesothelioma, an asbestos attorney can help you. Asbestos attorneys work hand in hand with the family of sufferers to build the best possible case for those who have become contaminated with the disease. If a qualified attorney is hired, there should be no concern that a victim will lose a case. The majority of asbestos cases have a very positive outcome, with victims earning settlements in the millions. However comforting that may be, the settlement will never be able to replace the victim’s health.

Now’s the time to get in touch with an asbestos attorney to get the money that you deserve. Stop hesitating because, as we’ve said above, most if not all mesothelioma cases have potential for settlements. Do the proper research and set up a consultation with an attorney that you know is qualified to serve you. With any mesothelioma sufferer, time is of the essence. Sitting and trying to decide whether to contact an attorney is pointless. Take some action and begin to get the compensation you deserve. Pick up the phone and call an attorney today.

About the Author
Javier Jimenez is a seasoned individual with interests spanning several subject areas. He is knowledgeable in {a href=””}mesothelioma litigation and has a site on Mesothelioma Attorneys California. This site will prove to be useful to those looking for mesothelioma lawyers california.
READ MORE - Mesothelioma Introduction